Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day Daddy... and you too Mom!

Well no love in the Razz tournament my friends. I bricked out and paired up every hand of ay 2. Congatulations to Barry Greenstein for winning the bracelet! Lucky for me there are more stud events coming up. I'll keep everyone posted.

I hope everyone has a great Father's day today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sup Lacey, you're going to learn something today. Yay. While you are super nerdy, some might say uber nerd... you are not a dork. Dork: 1) a stupid or ridiculous person; jerk; nerd. 2) A stupid, inept, or foolish person

Wat? Did Chesty just go Grammer Police on you? Yes. Is that annonying? Definately. Is Chesty a dork for referring to himself in the third person? Yup. Why? Cuz it's ridiculous and stupid. Plus sup, yay, wat, yup and cuz are only considered words in the Urban dictionary and he cannot use them in a game of Scrabble.